It has been a little while since I posted anything on the progress of the Titan Project so I thought I would pop a quick post up to share the results of the hour I spent this long weekend on it (yeah so I had a whole lot of other things going on).
So I got the main structural supports cut out and ready to glue to their cross members (not pictured!).

As you can see this little Sternguard Veteran is wondering just what trouble is "Over there!"
Anyhow I have the cad about 90% nailed, just gotta finalise the turret mounts for the shoulder weapons (which I have sketched) and the thighs, which are going to need a little revision from my sketches. Then it is a whole lotta cutting, glueing sanding and painting before the second weekend in November.
In case you are wondering 'Is that a kitchen table?!?'...
Yes, Warlord Titans are big when the are accurately scaled.
As always have fun.
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