Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ok So its a little late...

So on the second Ron asked if we could take some snaps of our worst minis. I realise I might just make it in by posting now....but there were some things in life that have jumped upon me of late and demanded my attention elsewhere.

At any rate here is a snap of what is my second worst figure ever, only because I can't actually find my worst one (which I know I still have somewhere).

This is one of the old plastic Dark Elf Witches, and as you can see I decided to use cheap and nasty undercoat. This did horrible things to the plastic but I was, in my impetuous youth, determined to paint it anyway. It came out a bit mong but Looking at it makes me laugh so I keep it on the shelf anyway.

Remember never cheap out on undercoat, it can cost you a good mini.

1 comment:

  1. That witch must have been at one hell of a party the night before. :)
    Who painted Tarzan's hair purple......
